Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tell me it's not May!

I cannot believe it's already May. Where has the year gone? It's been such an exciting whirlwind, with the release of WHISPERS, the Desert Dreams conference and Romantic Times in just a few weeks.

I've been hard at work on my new book--I really like how the story is unfolding. I've stopped my forward progress for a while and am polishing up earlier pages because my agent tells me she has an editor who wants to see more.

WHISPERS is continuing to do well. I have recieved so many nice notes from readers. It totally makes my day to hear from someone who has enjoyed reading my stories. Hey, have you checked out my new contest for the month? Starbucks and Barnes & Noble gift cards and an autographed copy of ECHOES.

Well, back to work.

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