Saturday, May 26, 2007

Cool stuff

Yesterday was a cool day. I heard from fellow author Kathryne Kennedy who just received the cover on her knew book ENCHANTING THE LADY. I was lucky enough to be an advanced reader of it and I loved it. She's done something unique and wonderful with her story so be sure to look for it in January 08 when it's released. And guess what? My quote made her cover. I think it's quite an honor.

Then, I heard from the conference coordinator of Thrillerfest where I plan to be in July. It's in NY this year and the line up of authors is enough to humble even the big names. I expected to quietly attend and lurk in the corner--possibly spill something on my blouse during the welcome reception--that's kind of my MO. But wait, I've been asked to be on a panel. Wow. On the panel are: Deborah LeBlanc, Laura Benedict, Dianne Emley, yours truly, Erin Grady AND Rebecca York, who in addition to being a terrific bestselling author, also blurbed for the cover WHISPERS. I've never met her in person so I've very excited about it. The panel is called: The Devil's Alternative, Protagonists who hover at the edges of humanity. If you're going to Thrillerfest, it will be Friday, 3:00-3:50 pm. Please stop by and say hi. :-)

And to make it all that much better, I'm literally channeling the new book. I've said it before but have to say it again--I think this will be my best to date.

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